upper room daily devotions

Friday, April 13, 2007

step it up, seattle!

April 14 is the National Day for Climate Change and Step It Up is at the forefront of bringing attention to the need for sound public policy and personal action related to the environment. Calling for an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, Step It Up events will be happening all over the United States. Step It Up Seattle has a list of activities for the Emerald City. The big march of the day will begin in Occidental Park at 2 PM and will end in Myrtle Edwards Park. From 4-6 PM there will be a Solutions Fair at Myrtle Edwards Park.

Taking care of the environment was one of the first commandments given to humankind from God when God instructed Adam and Eve to care for the earth and all of its creatures. While Christianity has too often understood "subdue" as a coercive verb, the command is to use the power of humankind of tend creation, not to exploit it. At the heart of both Christianity and Judaism is the idea of Sabbath. Sabbath is not our time; it is God's time. One day a week the earth and all who work it should rest. Sabbath extends to every seven years and every fifty years. Christianity has an obligation to be leaders in the movement to cherish and hold holy this miraculous creation of God. I hope there are thousands of Christians on the streets of Seattle (and across the US) this Saturday demanding that our public officials take action on our behalf that will replenish this living, breathing miracle of planet Earth. What a wonderful thing to happen during Easter - a justice movement for bringing new life back to this planet.

For too long we have understood gains in society through the lens of growth - growth equals good. New housing builds is one of the main rules against which we measure the health of our society. Perhaps the time has come for us to develop a different ruler that measures other things in order to determine the health of our society. I mean, how healthy can it be when the very earth on which we live is struggle to catch its next breath? It's time for Christians to stand up - to step it up - personally and communally and demand deep, significant change. Let's Step It Up, Seattle!

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