upper room daily devotions

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

california church goes green!

Thanks to John_the_Methodist for this article from the AP that he posted on the Methoblog.

The UMC and Alternative Energy
LIVE OAK, Calif. (AP) – United Methodist Church has long looked to the heavens for strength, now it's depending on the heavens for power.

The $8 million Live Oak church will be Santa Cruz County's first to go “green,” including solar power panels disguised as roof tiles and skylights to let in the light. Construction could begin this summer with completion in a year.

“The building itself could be a witness to our values of sustainability and good resource management,” pastor Michael Love said, noting a self-sufficient church fits perfectly with the core values of the Methodist community.

“It's our responsibility to be stewards and caretakers of natural resources,” he said.


Mystical Seeker said...

That's wonderful. It would be great if more churches, not to mention more homeowners, would go in that direction.

Rev Katie M Ladd said...


Unknown said...

Amen...it's hard to believe that is our first green church! Brings mixed emotions... I wonder how many UMCs have been built in the past decade and not one of them was green?

John said...

Brings mixed emotions... I wonder how many UMCs have been built in the past decade and not one of them was green?

I suppose that it has been so long because new church construction brings on a consumerist mindset rather than a conservationist one.

Rev Katie M Ladd said...

a sad but probably true comment, john.

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